Death Korps of Krieg Grenadier Squad
Warhammer 40K 10 man resin multi-part Death Korps of Krieg Grenadier squad with Sergeant, Flamer and Grenade Launcher...
Imperial Heavy Mortar
Warhammer 40K Field Artillery is often used by Imperial Guard commanders to pound enemy positions. The Heavy Mortar is a complete resin kit...
Sisters of Battle Superior with Bolter
Warhammer 40K The vast majority of the Orders Militant is made up of Battle Sisters. Every Battle Sister is an orphan raised from birth by the Schola Progenium to believe in the righteousness of their ..
Adeptus Mechanicus Belisarius Cawl
Archmagos Dominus Belisarius Cawl was already old at the dawn of the Imperium, over ten thousand years ago. During that span of ages the Tech-Priest has served as a Forge Lord, a Lexico Arcanus and a renow..
Sisters of Battle Superior with Chainsword and Bolt Pistol
Warhammer 40K Sisters of Battle Superior with Chainsword and Bolt Pistol - The vast majority of the Orders Militant is made up of Battle Sisters. Every Battle Sister is an orph..
Warhammer 40K Crusaders - Some Inquisitors enlist Crusaders from the honour guard of the Cardinals Crimson - that most mysterious of all the Ecclesiarchy's many orders. Crusaders are recruited for their unflagging devotio..
Triumvirate of the Imperium
Warhammer 40K Triumvirate of the Imperium - A truly inspiring presence, the Triumvirate of the Imperium bolster the might of their allies even as they effortlessly obliterate the enemies of the Imperium..
Sisters of Battle Seraphim 2 (Collectors)
Warhammer 40K Sisters of Battle Seraphim 2 (Collectors) - Seraphim are experienced warriors who have undergone special training in the use of jump packs. They also develop exceptional dexterity..
Sisters of Battle Seraphim 1
Warhammer 40K Sisters of Battle Seraphim 1 - Amongst the Orders Militant there are those Battle Sisters whose faith burns so brightly that it appears as if the Emperor himself guides their actions. The..
Battle Sister with Heavy Flamer
Warhammer 40K Battle Sister with Heavy Flamer - The vast majority of the Orders Militant is made up of Battle Sisters. Every Battle Sister is an orphan raised from birth by the Schola Progeniu..
Techpriest Enginseer 2
Warhammer 40K Imperial Guard TechPriest Enginseer 2 - Privy to the mystical secrets of the engine spirits of vehicles, the presence of an enginseer is vital for a regiment's armoured units to function effecti..
Steel Legion Squad
Warhammer 40K Astra Militarum Steel Legion Squad - Veterans of the campaigns fought against Waagh! Ghazghkull on their home planet, the Armageddon Steel Legions are mechanised troopers able to launch rapid assaults...