Death Korps of Krieg Weapons Set
Forgeworld Warhammer 40K Death Korps of Krieg Weapons Set - This resin set includes 5 lasguns, plus a grenade launcher, flamer, plasma gun and meltagun with and without arms...
Death Korps of Krieg Mortar Team 1
Forgeworld Warhammer 40K Death Korps of Krieg Mortar Team 1 - Two man resin Death Korps of Krieg team with Mortar...
Death Korps of Krieg Heavy Bolter Team 3
Forgeworld Warhammer 40K Death Korps of Krieg Heavy Bolter Team 3 - 2 man resin Death Korps of Krieg team with Heavy Bolter...
Death Korps of Krieg Heavy Bolter Team 1
Forgeworld Warhammer 40K Death Korps of Krieg Heavy Bolter Team 1 - Two man resin Death Korps of Krieg team with Heavy Bolter...
Death Korps of Krieg Engineers with Mole Launcher
Forgeworld Warhammer 40K Death Korps of Krieg Engineers with Mole Launcher - Two man Death Korps Engineer team with mole launcher. Complete resin kit...
Death Korps of Krieg Autocannon Team 3
Forgeworld Warhammer 40K Death Korps of Krieg Autocannon Team 3 - resin Death Korps of Krieg team with Autocannon. Models designed by Simon Egan, Will Hayes and Mark Bedford...
Death Korps of Krieg Death Rider 3
Forgeworld Warhammer 40K Death Korps of Krieg Death Rider 3 - Multi-part resin Death Korps of Krieg Death Rider that comes with a brass rod lance...
Gorgon Armoured Assault Transport
Forgeworld Warhammer 40K Gorgon Armoured Assault Transport - The Imperial Guard use the Gorgon for heavy assaults. It is designed for breaching fortified lines and entrenchments, literally s..