CheckoutDragon of Lanever
The icy silence of the Behemoth Mountains is suddenly shattered by a roar of terrifying power. A dragon, eternal lord of the peaks, spreads its majestic wings and flies away in the perfect azure. He leaves to join hi..
Lens Mendkenn Schaim
Lens Mendkenn Schaim: White Metal. This pack in contains 1 metal miniatures: Confrontation (Rackham) Lens Mendkenn Schaim ...
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Cynwäll Warriors
Cynwäll Warriors have chosen to engage themselves on the side of Light in the conflicts of the Rag’narok. If he finds the perfect balance between body and soul, a selsÿm can confront and defeat a ..
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Maelin, Cynwall Initiate
Maelin, Cynwall Initiate was the most promising pupil of a big heliast of Wyde. Rather than to walk in the steps of her master, she preferred to join the tumult of the Rag’narok. During a viva, in front ..
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Khidaryms Material: White Metal. This pack in contains 4 metal miniatures: Confrontation (Rackham) Khidaryms ...
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Sylannm, Khidarym Champion
This pack contains 1 metal original miniature. Material: White Metal. Confrontation (Rackham) Sylannm, Khidarym Champion...
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Cynwall Varsyms
Cynwall Varsyms are often the first Cynwäll warriors to strike at the opponent. Some of the battles fought by the Republic of Lanever have become famous thanks to these scouts who specialize in surgical strikes.
Equanime Monk (Mail Order Only)
Material: White Metal. This pack in contains 1 metal miniatures: Confrontation (Rackham) Equanime Monk (Mail Order Only)...
Cynwall War-Staff
Material: White Metal. This pack in contains 6 metal miniatures: Confrontation (Rackham) Cynwall War-Staff...
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Nelphaëll Material: White Metal. This pack in contains 1 metal miniatures: Confrontation (Rackham) Nelphaëll ...
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Cynwall Akhamials
Cynwall Akhamials are the first step in the quest undertaken by Galhyan and his companions: to breathe a soul into cynwäll constructs. The result is encouraging; akhamiäls have a very limited ability to lea..
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Cynwall Nova Construct 2
Material: White Metal. This pack in contains 1 metal miniatures: Confrontation (Rackham) Cynwall Nova Construct 2...
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Cynvall Elves
Confrontation Cynvall Elves, also known as the Exiled Elves, have a rich history and unique characteristics. In the elven tongue, "cynwäll" translates to "exiled," reflecting their choice to withdraw to the high mountains of Lanever. Their primary focus is on the pursuit of Noesis, the harmony of body and soul. Within the ancient ruins and temples hidden in these mountains, the Cynvall Elves have unraveled profound secrets and formed pacts with the majestic dragons dwelling in the peaks of the Behemoth Mountains.While traditionally neutral, the Cynvall Elves have recently decided to break their long-standing tradition and actively participate in the final battle on the side of Light. They understand that the fate of Creation rests on the outcome of the Rag'narok, and thus, they have taken up arms in this decisive conflict.
Despite their smaller numbers, the Cynvall army possesses considerable strength. Guided by the wisdom of their ancestors, they are carried by the majestic wings of dragons and bolstered by mechanical warriors from a forgotten age.
The Cynvall Elves have forged alliances with other formidable forces, including the Lions of Alahan, the Griffins of Akkylannie, and the Sphinxes. Together, they stand united in their quest to ensure the triumph of Light.
Explore the captivating world of Confrontation and witness the power and resilience of the Cynvall Elves.