Limbo of Acheron

Skeleton Spearmen   The generals of the armies of Light know that one should never confront the Necromancers on an ancient battlefield. The reason is simple: the Magicians of Death raise the skeletal remains of the Dead of past conflicts to i..
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Melmoth, Crane Warrior   The Crane Warrior were once great men. Alas, fatality has transformed them into guardians of the Obscure Principle, into servants of Darkness who represent the unavoidable destiny that awaits the valiant knight who le..
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Morbid Angels 2   It is not their fleshless wings that carry the Morbid Angels into the blue skies, but the Magic of Darkness that animates them. They are the first flying troops in the universe of CONFRONTATION, flying ahead of the armies of..
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Alderan, Crane Warrior   The silhouette of a warlord endowed with impressive horns emerges from the hordes of the damned. They say that once this champion of the dark forces was a conqueror by the name of Alderan. According to legend he was d..
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The Bogeyman   In the shadows of Cadwallon wanders a being that has left on a very mysterious crusade… Passing through the bitter shroud of a dreadful death, the Bogeyman returns among the Living to carry out the will of the Darkness. ..
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Sephiroth the Reaper   It is said that Sephiroth was the last king of the Centaurs. Entrenched in the citadel of his capital, besieged by the masses of his human enemies searching for lands, the king of the Centaurs chose to sell his soul to ..
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Scavengers of Acheron The Devourers hadn’t spared any of the Kelt village’s inhabitants. The corpses they hadn’t taken with them were scattered all over the place, all the way to the sacred basin of Fiann.The crows were having a ..
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Quaestor of Acheron 1   The Quaestors of Acheron are semi-ethereal beings. A part of themselves is on Aarklash and fights the Living, the other is in the dark plane that separates the material world from the Abysses. They are accomplished Wa..
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Zombies of Acheron   Be they freshly unearthed corpses, the remains of the worthless left as food for the crows, or the abandoned bodies of the missing, the zombies are just puppets manipulated by deathly hands. The dark Magic of the Necroman..
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Wolfen Zombie 1   From the putrid and inexorable crowd of the damned of Acheron emerge beings from whom death has not taken away the appetite for killing : the Wolfen zombies. There is no greater insult to nature than these predators that hav..
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Asura de Sarlath   Asura de Sarlath is the patriarch of one of the noble houses of Acheron. His opponents fear him for the ghostly legions placed under his command and for his mastery of necromancy. What he doesn’t obtain by force or ma..
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The Gorgon    A strange and silent silhouette tirelessly wanders all over Aarklash in search of mysterious knowledge. It has been seen in the corridors of the monasteries of Akkylannie, in the sewers of Klûne and in the libraries o..
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Limbo of Acheron 

  More than three centuries ago the barony Limbo of Acheron was subservient to the Crown of Alahan. Under the influence of the Order of the Ram, an evil sect, its illustrious lords let themselves be corrupted little by little by their desire for immortality and power. When the Lions became aware of the danger it was already too late: the necromancers of the Ram had opened a gigantic Portal of Darkness to the Netherworld. Night took hold of the tormented sky of Acheron and legions of living-dead poured out of hell onto the now accursed barony. No less than three armies and the sacrifice of thousands of warriors were needed to prevent the invasion of Aarklash by the undead hordes.
  Limbo of Acheron - A single necromancer can raise a battalion of living-dead fighters; a single fiend of the infernal forces can cause an empire to fall into the grasp of eternal darkness. No one can escape Death!

  Welcome to the gloomy world of Limbo of Acheron! Explore unique fantasy miniatures and gaming components, immersing yourself in the atmosphere of the deep and mysterious Limbo. Our collection includes dark and captivating fantasy creature miniatures, presented by Rackham, to immerse you into the fascinating world of Acheron and Limbo. Acquire unique gaming components and dark miniatures from the Limbo of Acheron to delve into thrilling gaming adventures!

  The living-dead of Acheron are allied with the alchemists of Dirz , the Akkyshan elves, the Kelts of the Drune clan, the dwarves of Mid-Nor and the ophidians.

Confrontation the Wolfen of Yllia
Product: Wolfen Predator 4
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Confrontation the Wolfen of Yllia