Spartan Assault Tank
Spartan Assault Tank – An armoured transport of truly massive proportions, the Spartan is a heavy assault tank previously all but unknown outside of the revered Space Marine Chapters and the secretive Adeptus Mech..
Red Scorpions Rhino Doors
Red Scorpions Rhino Doors - Two finely detailed replacement resin doors and a front plate for the Rhino kit depicting Red Scorpions iconography...
Red Scorpions Vanguard Veteran Upgrade Set
Red Scorpions Vanguard Veteran Upgrade Set - An uncompromising and steadfast Chapter, the Red Scorpions have stood in defence of the Imperium for over five thousand years. Stalwart traditional..
Red Scorpions Command Collection
Red Scorpions Command Collection - This is a multi-part resin kit which contains the components needed to assemble Casan Sabius and Sirae Karagon. Part of the Character Series, this is a spectacula..
Red Scorpions MkIV Tactical Squad
Red Scorpions MkIV Tactical Squad - With this bundle, you’ll pick up all the components you need to assemble a complete Red Scorpions Veteran Tactical Squad in Mark IV power armour. You’ll ..
Casan Sabius and Sirae Karagon - Regents of the Ordon Rift
Casan Sabius and Sirae Karagon - Regents of the Ordon Rift - Casan Sabius is renowned among the Red Scorpions as a formidable strategist and swordsman, and when Lord High Comma..
Astraeus Super-heavy Tank
Astraeus Super-heavy Tank - The Astraeus is a super-heavy tank, similar in form to the smaller Repulsor transport in use by the newly created Primaris Space Marines. It mounts a formidable array of weapons, de..
Carab Culln the Risen
Carab Culln the Risen - Formerly the Lord High Commander of the Red Scorpions Chapter, Carab Culln was believed lost to the Imperium in the campaigns that followed the Indomitus Crusade. Grievously wounded in the ..
Magister Sevrin Loth Chief Librarian of the Red Scorpions with Honour Guard
Forge world Warhammer 40K Magister Sevrin Loth Chief Librarian of the Red Scorpions with Honour Guard - A veteran of centuries of battle, Sevrin Loth is o..
Commander Culln of the Red Scorpions
Forge world Warhammer 40K Commander Culln of the Red Scorpions - Commander Culln lead the Red Scorpions in actions against the Tyranids on Beta Anphelion IV. Complete resin multi part kit...
Red Scorpions Vanguard Veterans with Veteran Sergeant Culln
Forge world Warhammer 40K Red Scorpions Vanguard Veterans with Veteran Sergeant Culln - Five Red Scorpion Vanguard Veterans including Veteran Sergeant Culln. Complete res..