Imperial Heavy Mortar
Warhammer 40K Field Artillery is often used by Imperial Guard commanders to pound enemy positions. The Heavy Mortar is a complete resin kit...
Techpriest Enginseer 2
Warhammer 40K Imperial Guard TechPriest Enginseer 2 - Privy to the mystical secrets of the engine spirits of vehicles, the presence of an enginseer is vital for a regiment's armoured units to function effecti..
Steel Legion Squad
Warhammer 40K Astra Militarum Steel Legion Squad - Veterans of the campaigns fought against Waagh! Ghazghkull on their home planet, the Armageddon Steel Legions are mechanised troopers able to launch rapid assaults...
Officio Prefectus Commissar
Warhammer 40K Officio Prefectus Commissar - Standing proud amid the blood and thunder of the front lines, a battle-scarred Commissar sets an unfaltering example to the men he leads. To the masses of humanity, ..
Militarum Bullgryns / Ogryns / Nork Deddog
Warhammer 40K Bullgryns / Ogryns / Nork Deddog - The abhumans known as Bullgryns are a formidable sight to behold. Clad in custom-made carapace armour made from the discarded tracks of a Leman R..
Colour Sergeant Kell
Warhammer 40K - Astra Militarum Colour Sergeant Kell - Jarran Kell is a fearsome fighter and Ursarkar Creed's right-hand man. Kell has made keeping Creed alive his life's work and has a multitude of wounds ..
Warhammer 40K - The Sentinel is a one-man all-terrain bipedal vehicle, used by the Astra Militarum where mobile patrols must be mounted across rough terrain, or where firepower must be deployed rapidly in response to a threat. This set ca..