Elysian Sniper Squad
Elysian Sniper Squad - Elysian platoons are commonly supported by special weapons squads. Operating in 2-man teams, these squads have access to a wide range of equipment depending on their mission. Elysian Sniper t..
Death Korps of Krieg Grenadier Heavy Flamer Team
Death Korps of Krieg Grenadier Heavy Flamer Team - Two man resin multi-part Death Korps of Krieg Grenadier Heavy Flamer team...
Catachan Colonel
Catachan Colonel - Colonel Catachan will be a miniature to buy absolutely. The reason is not in the miniature itself, which is really beautiful in my opinion by the way. The limited edition Colonel Catachan resin minia..
Imperial Guard Lord Commissar
Imperial Guard Lord Commissar - Lord Commissars exemplify power and bravery, making them natural leaders with a reputation for turning the tide of battle, snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. Like al..
Shadowsword Arkurian Pattern
Shadowsword Arkurian Pattern - The Shadowsword is a variant on the Baneblade chassis that mounts a single, huge, Volcano Cannon. This terrifying weapon is capable of destroying other Super-Heavy vehicles in..
Astra Militarum Hydra
Astra Militarum Hydra - The Hydra Flak Tank is equipped to blow aerial foes out of the sky. Armed with twin-lined Hydra autocannons and a predictive logic-spirit, few airborne foes could survive the howling onslau..
Lord Castellan Creed
Lord Castellan Creed - Lord Castellan Ursarkar Creed led the mighty armies of Cadia through trying times, and fell alongside his home world during Abaddon the Despoiler's 13th Black Crusade. A tactical genius w..
Elysian Meltagun Squad
Elysian Meltagun Squad - Elysian special weapon squads facing heavily armoured opposition will routinely select meltaguns, as the comparatively short range of these weapons is offset by the Drop Troops grav-chute..
Tallarn Mukaali Rough Rider Commander
Tallarn Mukaali Rough Rider Commander - The Mukaali are a species of non-sentient xenos animals utilised by the Tallarn Desert Raiders Astra Militarum regiments' specialised Rough Rider s..
Elysian Drop Troop Squad
Elysian Drop Troop Squad - Elysian Drop Troops can attack directly from their Valkyries, rapelling, fast-roping or deploying directly onto the ground. Drop Troopers are also equipped with a grav-chute, wh..
Elysian Tauros Assault Vehicle
Elysian Tauros Assault Vehicle - 4-wheel Tauros is used by the Elysian regiments as a long-range scout vehicle, mounting potent anti-personnel firepower in the form of either a Heavy Flamer or Tauros Gren..