CheckoutOrtan Cassius
Ortan Cassius – Ortan Cassius miniature resin exclusive heroes to make your squads of Space Marines exceptional...
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Deathwatch Battle Brother Artemis (54mm)
Deathwatch Battle Brother Artemis (54mm) - Brother captain Artemis heads a Ordo Xenos kill team. He has been trained to recognise the taint of Alien Dominance, detecting the slightist hint of in..
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Deathwatch Overkill Jetek Suberei
Deathwatch Overkill Jetek Suberei - Biker Jetek Suberei joins the ranks of completed models. This model is dripping in detail all of which had to be painstakingly picked out. I’ve carried over my..
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Corvus Blackstar
Corvus Blackstar - Far, far more advanced than the other Imperial craft which it resembles, the Corvus Blackstar is truly worthy of ferrying a Deathwatch Kill Team to their brutal mission. Optimised for alien hunting, ..
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Deathwatch Kill Team
Deathwatch Kill Team - Organised into small, elite companies plucked from Space Marine Chapters that have pledged a tithe of their strength in the struggle against the xenos, the Deathwatch counts only heroes among..
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Watch Captain Artemis
Watch Captain Artemis is a warrior born. Mastering the arts of battle as a mortal, then a Space Marine, and finally as an officer of the Deathwatch, he has become a supreme weapon in the fight against the xenos. Artemi..
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Jensus Natorian, Librarian of the Blood Ravens
Warhammer 40K - Jensus Natorian, Librarian of the Blood Ravens..
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Deathwatch Watch Master
Warhammer 40K Deathwatch Watch Master - Secretive and mysterious, Watch Masters are revealed on the battlefield as incomparable leaders. With their innate understanding of tactics and strategy, they assess the ..
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Deathwatch Librarian in Terminator Armour
Warhammer 40K DEATHWATCH LIBRARIAN - TERMINATOR ARMOURA master psyker, able to immolate hordes of encroaching xenos with a thought, a Deathwatch Librarian is one of the most formidable psychic..
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Deathwatch Kill Team Cassius
Deathwatch Kill Team Cassius - Assembled by Ortan Cassius, Ultramarines Chaplain of renown, Kill Team Cassius was the squad sent to investigate the deeply suspicious goings-on on the mining planet Ghosar Quintus..
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