Armies of Chaos

Chaos Space Marines Warpsmith   Chaos Space Marines Warpsmith - Warpsmiths are the masters of the machine. Most can trace their origins back to the priesthood of Mars, whether through the schisms of the Magi or the rigid doctrine of the ..
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Noise Marines Upgrade Pack   Noise Marines Upgrade Pack - Dedicated to Slaanesh, a Noise Marine's hearing is a thousand times keener than a normal person's and can distinguish the subtlest pitch in tone and volume. Many specialis..
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Foetid Bloat-drone   Foetid Bloat-drone - Labouring through the air on buzzing turbines and driven by the trapped essence of a Nurgle Daemon, the Foetid Bloat-drone drifts toward the enemy like an armoured plague fly. This hideous war en..
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Malignant Plaguecaster   Malignant Plaguecaster - Dark Imperium Death Guard Malignant Plaguecaster...
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Chaos Daemon Prince   Chaos Daemon Prince - The mightiest servants of the Dark Gods are blessed with monstrous power and life unending amongst the Slaves to Darkness. Each Daemon Prince was once a devoted servant of Chaos, whose actions ..
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Chaos Daemons Banners of Rage 2   Chaos Daemons Banners of Rage 2 - When Khorne's warriors march to war, they will often carry aloft banners and standards to show their dedication to him. Most, if not all, of them will be covered in ..
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Black Legion Rhino Doors   Black Legion Rhino Doors - Two finely detailed replacement resin doors and one replacement resin front plate for the plastic MkII Rhino kit depicting Black Legion iconography...
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Chaos Rhino Upgrade Kit   Chaos Rhino Upgrade Kit - Replacement resin front plate and rear, interior and side doors for the plastic MkII Rhino kit depicting Chaos iconography...
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World Eaters Terminator – Azrakh the Annihilator  World Eaters Terminator – Azrakh the Annihilator - Chaos Lords fight from the front, and few armours enable them to do so as effectively as Terminator plate. Formidably resili..
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Ogryn Beserker Boss with Death Korps of Krieg trooper   Ogryn Beserker Boss with Death Korps of Krieg trooper - The "Ogryn Berserker Boss with Death Korps of Krieg Trooper" features a commanding figurea brutish Ogryn leading th..
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Chaos Knight Resin Bits   Chaos Knight Resin Bits - Refers to additional components or pieces made of resin specifically designed for customizing or enhancing a Chaos Knight miniature in the  universe. These bits often include vario..
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Reaver Titan Gatling Blaster (Arm Only)   Reaver Titan Gatling Blaster (Arm Only) - Resin Gatling Blaster for the Mars Pattern Reaver Titan's arm hard point...
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Confrontation the Wolfen of Yllia
Product: Wolfen Predator 4
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Confrontation the Wolfen of Yllia