Blood Bowl Scyla Anfingrimm
Blood Bowl Scyla Anfingrimm - The fate of Scyla Anfingrimm is a cautionary tale to any who would accept the blessings of the Blood God too readily. Scyla bears many such gifts, from a prehensile tail ending ..
Khorne Team Booster Pack
Khorne Team Booster Pack - Fill out your Khorne team's roster with four more players, each in a different pose to those found in the Skull-tribe Slaughterers set. The multi-part kit is comprised of 23 resin..
Skrorg Snowpelt
Skrorg Snowpelt - Skrorg was once so wild and bloodthirsty that he needed to be sent to Rockbeard's Rage Rehab to turn his life around. After his rehabilitation, Skrorg emerged back onto the pitch as a changed Yhete..
Thorsson Stoutmead
Thorsson Stoutmead - Also known as the Beer-Barrel-Bowling Bombardier, Thorsson Stoutmead’s ability to drink is matched only by his ability to knock his opponents over. He has truly mastered the art of emptying..
Blood Bowl Yhetee
Blood Bowl Yhetee - One of the great mysteries of Norse teams is how they ever managed to convince the blood-crazed and savage Yhetees to play Blood Bowl. That said, fans of Norse teams are too enthralled by the displ..
Khorne Bloodspawn
Khorne Bloodspawn - The Blood God gifts his most dedicated slaughterers with mutations that better enable them to kill in his name. A Bloodspawn is especially 'blessed' in this manner, having become horribly s..
Blood Bowl Human Team Booster
Warhammer 40k Blood Bowl Human Team Booster - players are the best all-round Blood Bowl players in the Old World. They may lack the sheer strength of the Orcs, the agility of the High Elves, the toughness..