Willow Rosebark
Willow Rosebark - Nobody is quite certain why this especially mysterious and mercurial Dryad started playing Blood Bowl. She often appears unbidden before a match to lend her deadly talents and, well, she’s quite ..
Max Spleenripper
Max Spleenripper - A Chaos Cultist dedicated to Khorne, Max Spleenripper has earned a terrifying reputation on the pitch thanks to his penchant for inflicting maximum carnage with his trusty chainsaw. This finely detai..
Helmut Wulf
Helmut Wulf - a hitherto unremarkable Lineman for the Bruendar Grimjacks, once volunteered to try out a risky new piece of equipment at his coach’s request. He picked up a chainsaw for the first time and a lifelong bo..
Kreek ‘the Verminator’ Rustgouger
Kreek ‘the Verminator’ Rustgouger - Rat Ogres are natural Blood Bowl players with size, speed, and animal cunning that make them sought after by Skaven coaches all under the wor..
Roxanna Darknail
Roxanna Darknail - Roxanna makes such a show of spilling the blood of her foes that it is rare indeed when she does not end a match with her skin slick with the blood of fallen opponents. And the fans love it, especial..
Barik Farblast
Barik Farblast - Barik Farblast is a Hall of Famer whose use of crafty ball-launching technology has garnered him a reputation as one of the best throwers in the league – quite the feat for a Dwarf! If your te..
Grombrindal And The Black Gobbo
Grombrindal And The Black Gobbo - Grombrindal’s reputation is almost mythological. Tales abound of his shrewd tactical advice on the field of battle; on the Blood Bowl pitch this translates to a ma..
Karla von Kill
Karla von Kill - takes a day off from the family pig farm to watch some Blood Bowl at a local stadium with some friends. Having never seen the sport up-close before (only having caught the occasional big match on the cry..
Josef Bugman, Coach & Star Player
Josef Bugman, Coach & Star Player - The name Josef Bugman is as synonymous with Blood Bowl as Goblins are with being cheating gits. Pitches bear the Bugman’s B, while the bearded face of ..
Eldril Sidewinder
Eldril Sidewinder - Eldril Sidewinder has played Blood Bowl as long as most can remember, partly due to the incredibly long life span of his race, but mainly thanks to his sheer skill on the pitch. The secret of his s..
Griff Oberwald
Griff Oberwald - Oberwald’s qualities are those of the classic Blood Bowl hero. He’s tall, superfit and strong, with a grace and co-ordination that can leave most other players standing. Instantly recognisabl..
Morg 'N' Thorg
Morg 'N' Thorg - A hulking brute of an Ogre Blocker, Morg ’N’ Thorg is something of a lumbering juggernaut. Nearly eight feet tall, bludgeoning his way through the opposition, he’s alway..