The Damned Damsels
The Damned Damsels - The Damned Damsels are the dedicated cheer squad of the Doom Lords, summoned from the Chaos Wastes by the dark prayers of the team’s coach. Murderous creatures dedicated to the Ruinous Powe..
The Night Terrors - Dark Elf Cheerleading Squad
The Night Terrors - Dark Elf Cheerleading Squad - Many Dark Elves aspire to be Witch Elves or Assassins so they can turn torture and murder into a lucrative profession. Then there are tho..
The Reaverettes
The Reaverettes - The Reaverettes have a long and proud history cheering for the Reikland Reavers. Based in the Old Bowl stadium in Altdorf, they are as synonymous with Blood Bowl as the Reavers themselves. Getting into..
Elfheim Eaglettes – Elf Cheerleading Squad
Warhammer 40k Elfheim Eaglettes – Elf Cheerleading Squad. If you think the Elfheim Eagles have some moves then you haven’t seen their cheerleaders the Elfheim Eagl..