Empire Manann's Blades Command
Empire Manann's Blades Command - Pirate, mercenary, smuggler, gallows thief, Captain Edvard Van Der Kraal has been many things in his life, almost all of them disreputable. Despite his ruthlessnes..
Marienburg class Land Ship
Marienburg class Land Ship - Marienburg Landship (Very Rare) - The land ships were dispatched with a strong cavalry escort of Outriders to engage the mighty war machines of the Chaos Dwarfs and a brutal ..
Theodore Bruckner and Reaper
Theodore Bruckner and Reaper - Theodore Bruckner is a giant of a man, the serving Judicial Champion of Nuln and Countess Emmanuelle’s Headsman. Wielding the ancient sword ‘Liarsbane&..
Empire Ironsides Handgunner
Empire Ironsides Handgunner - The ‘Ironsides’ are drawn from the guards and apprentices of the renowned Imperial Gunnery School. Clad in heavy armour and armed with master-wrought firearms, the N..