Dragon Slayer
Dragon Slayer - Dragon Slayers are dedicated to the hardest and most destructive life of battle. Having unfortunately survived for so long against breathtaking odds, Dragon Slayers must seek out the most deadly, ferocious..
Thorek Ironbrow
Thorek Ironbrow - Thorek Ironbrow is proclaimed to be the most skilled Runelord of all time. It is only fitting therefore that Thorek is the keeper of Karak Azul's Anvil of Doom. For Thorek, the Anvil is a tool on w..
Dwarf Lord with Great Weapon
Dwarf Lord with Great Weapon - When battle is joined it is the Lords and Thanes, with their finely crafted armour and rune-inscribed weapons who seek out the enemy's most powerful combatants, matching b..
High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer
High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer - When Thorim Grudgebearer goes to war, he carries with him the Great Book of Grudges - the Dammaz Kron - which inspires nearby Dwarfs to great acts of vengeance and retri..
Dwarf Engineer with Brace of Pistols
Dwarf Engineer with Brace of Pistols - A Master Engineer is expert in many fields. He is first and foremost a doughty warrior whose skill alone merits a place of honour in the Dwarf throng. In addit..
Thane with Army Battle Standard
Thane with Army Battle Standard - When Dwarfs march to war, the honour of carrying the army standard is given to one of the Dwarf Thanes, a warrior of great renown and noble bearing. Many of these standa..
Flame Cannon
Flame Cannon - The Flame Cannon is a deadly weapon capable of inflicting extreme damage at short ranges. It is a brave Dwarf who volunteers to crew this extraordinary cannon, as there is a strong chance that when the flamm..
Cogsmith - There are few races as skilled at creating war machines as men and duardin. For centuries the smiths of the Ironweld have dwelt within Azyrheim stockpiling firearms, cannons, armoured war constructs and even flying ..
Dwarf Lord and Shieldbearers
Dwarf Lord and Shieldbearers - A Dwarf Lord may be carried into battle atop a shield carried by two loyal (and strong) retainers, giving the Lord a commanding view of the battle and further protection from ..
Stormcast Eternals – Heads Upgrade Set 2
Stormcast Eternals – Heads Upgrade Set 2 - These will allow you to upgrade your Sacrosanct Chamber warriors – or perhaps a Knight-Zephyros or Angharad Brightshield – with..
Stormcast Eternals – Heads Upgrade Set 1
Stormcast Eternals – Heads Upgrade Set 1 - Each is different, and they show the wide range of styles across Sigmar’s armies, with shaggy-haired and heavily bearded warriors, gr..