Dark Elves Reaper Bolt Thrower
Dark Elves Reaper Bolt Thrower - Reaper Bolt Throwers are a testament to the ingenuity of the Druchii. A mechanism of counterweights and cords allows this war machine to fire a hail of barbed bolts at an ..
Dreadlord on Cold One
Dreadlord on Cold One - Druchii Lords wear the finest suits of armour and carry a lethal assortment of blades with which they carve a bloody path through their foes. They are master strategists and selfish individ..
Dark Elf Dreadlord with Great Weapon
Dark Elf Dreadlord with Great Weapon - Dreadlords are the noble-born rulers of Naggaroth, master strategists who have waged war across a hundred battlefields. They are without exception selfish indi..
Harpies - Upon the thermals of the sacrificial pyres soar the Harpies - winged beasts with a savage beauty. Some claim they are the souls of the slain Witch Elves given form, others that they are a manifestation of Khaine. They..
Cauldron of Blood / Bloodwrack Shrine
Cauldron of Blood / Bloodwrack Shrine - The Cauldron of Blood is a battlefield altar to Khaine, the bloody-handed God. Tended by a Death Hag and two Witch Elves, and imbued with the darkest enchant..
Dark Elf Supreme Sorceress
Dark Elf Supreme Sorceress - Chief amongst the wizards of Naggaroth are the 'sisters' of the Dark Convent of Sorceresses. Competition for positions in the Dark Convent are bloody and fierce, and only ..
Tenebrael Shard
Tenebrael Shard - The threat of death hangs heavy around the Tenebrael Shard. Legends tell that he is a being of absolute fear, but beyond that no two tales truly agree upon his composition. Whatever the truth about thi..
Dreadlord on Black Dragon
Dreadlord on Black Dragon - Dragons are an incredibly ancient race whose forefathers lived many thousands of years before even the Elves set foot in the Old World. Although few in number, Dragons are still cre..
Dwarf Command Set
Dwarf Command Set - Dwarf armies are led into battle by its Lords and Thanes, and these nobles epitomise the Dwarf way of war. Grim leaders all, they bear the very finest weapons and rune-etched Gromril armour. It is ..
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Runelord - As custodians of ancient lore Runelords are naturally suspicious and jealously guard the secrets and rituals of their hammercraft. On the battlefield Runelords dampen and channel the magic of..
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Sorceress - Most Darkling Covens centre around a single powerful Sorceress; these despots may have apprentice spellcasters and captains, but their rule is absolute. Such is the supernatural charisma of..
Warden King
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Warden King - When battle is joined it is the Warden Kings, with their finely crafted armour and rune-inscribed weapons who seek out the enemy's most powerful combatants, matching bestial fury or..