CheckoutChaos Skulltaker
Chaos Skulltaker - U'zhul the Skulltaker, is the Blood God's immortal champion, the strongest of all Khorne's Bloodletters. Appearing before enemy armies he bellows a challenge at the greatest warriors pres..
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Skarbrand - Known as one of Khorne’s greatest champions, Skarbrand’s own lust for blood ultimately proved to be his downfall. He slew innumerable mortals in the name of the Blood God, and was spoken of only in hus..
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Herald of Khorne on Juggernaut
Herald of Khorne on Juggernaut - The Herald asserts his will over the Juggernaut as a mortal would over a more earthly steed. Such a pairing is far deadlier than the sum of its parts. Should a foe survive..
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Herald of Khorne
Herald of Khorne - The Heralds of Khorne are the strongest of the Bloodletters. They are rampaging combat masters, more than capable of single-handedly taking down entire squads of lesser fighters in shows of martial s..
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Exalted Deathbringer with Impaling Spear
Exalted Deathbringer with Impaling Spear - Bellowing forth a mighty, blood-curdling roar, the Exalted Deathbringer pierces his enemy with his enormous spear, lifting him high with a single, musc..
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Defiler - The Defiler was fashioned at the command of Abaddon the Despoiler. It is a six-legged machine with savage hooks and barbs along its limbs. The Defiler lays waste to the ground it moves over and batters down the strong..
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Cultists - The Chaos Cultists can be found almost anywhere the Imperium has spread. At first glance they are indistinguishable from normal men, but under their clothes, the flesh I tattooed and branded with sigils that hurt th..
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Chaos Space Marines Lord
Chaos Space Marines Lord - Chaos Lords are the most powerful of the Chaos Space Marines. With the genetic advantages of a Space Marine and the blessings of the Dark Gods there are few more dangerous entities in..
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Khorne Lord of Skulls
Khorne Lord of Skulls - This massive Daemon Engine of Khorne is built in hell forges with the sole purpose of killing, maiming and burning its enemies until they are no more than a sticky paste under its mighty tr..
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Angron, Daemon Primarch of Khorne
Angron, Daemon Primarch of Khorne - Angron is the Red Angel, Lord of the World Eaters, the Daemon Primarch of Khorne. Raised as a slave in the brutal fighting pits of Nuceria, this maddened demigod sou..
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Mazarall the Butcher, Daemon Prince of Khorne
Mazarall the Butcher, Daemon Prince of Khorne - Dim legends and twisted lies surround the rise of Mazarall the Butcher and his path to Khorne’s favour, but all name him a render of mo..
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Vorgaroth the Scarred & Skalok the Skull Host of Khorne
Forge World :Warhammer Age of Sigmar Vorgaroth the Scarred & Skalok the Skull Host of Khorne - Legends tell of the trail of slaughter left behind by Vorgaroth the Sca..
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